Thursday, September 13, 2007
Aim High
Are you going all the way?
Can you do it one day?
Rich Person you decided upon your destination?
Bash you really desire to travel there?
Rich Person you considered the fare?
Would you maintain the course of study with no alteration?
Purpose High! Be Steady!
When you travel up and down,
and true peace you haven't found
Perhaps your estimate of your possible is to low,
don't be too proud to impart a hand
your sense of accomplishment will expand
and you'll derive the necessary minute as you go.
Purpose High! Be Confident!
By helping others you will gain
So doing discontinue to complain.
As you lose yourself for the enrichment for others:
you'll happen your purpose so much better
you're living by the spirit of the law not the missive of the law
1 for all and all for one,
Simply all Sisters and Brothers
Purpose High! Person depends upon your success.
Keep your mentum up and eyes consecutive ahead.
Bash not change your course, be wary don't be misled
Be courageous, be consistent, be on time give all that you can-
purpose with accuracy, purpose with care,
the attention I talk of, the care, to share,
don't take too high to see an outstreched hand.
Purpose with love! Purpose High! There's the challenge.
Give it your best don't number the cost
less than your best and the high conflict is lost,
if you're given your very best you won't be blamed,
The Great Scorer, sees attempt and desire
the love of others their good to acquire,
and he ranks us upon the tallness and
the manner we've aimed.
Purpose High! Come Along!
Don't be discouraged life can be a lark,
We've aimed with love we've hit our mark
Don't take with arms purpose with bosom and soul
And if we aimed for the social welfare of others
We've hit our goal.
Purpose High! Praise God!
Labels: aim high, be confident, bible, christian, God, Jesus, praise God